Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Learning something New

 Ever since I was a child I wanted to learn to play a string instrument. Everyone in my family has musical talents, and ways of manifesting those talents and then there was me. I started band in California in fourth grade, playing the french horn and then moved to the trombone and later percussion. Its not that I lost interest in music, its just my interests shifted as well as opportunity. I began to play sports more and more and moved away from music, but always said to myself one day it would be fun to learn a string instrument. I was after all one of those kids who loved to listen to classical music, baroque to be specific. Anyways, fast forward twenty plus years and here I am today, in my late thirties, banged up knees for sports no one remembers me for playing and thinking that its time to follow through with a dream. It didn't come that easily! A friend I had made and dated, and since lost said something that stuck in my head. "What's stopping you?" She said one day while we were sitting around talking, and I thought to myself, well maybe someday when I can afford to etc. etc. Then, not even a week ago, looking at a phrase "Just Do It!" on a poster I suddenly decided, that there is no time like RIGHT NOW. I went out and bought a viola. Yep, sure did, bought an entry level viola and some materials and in the last week I have reacquainted myself with the joys of reading music, figuring out notes and trying to learn proper bow technique. My right hurts, but my spirits are high! I have forgotten how wonderful it is to learn something new, even if I suck at it immensely.  I have a teacher lined up and I am so excited to begin learning something new. The lesson I have already learned is how wonderful it is to conquer your own fears and learn something new as an adult. I have had mixed responses from people, some think its fantastic, many others wonder if this is the beginning of a midlife crisis (its not I swear). As an educator, I love the idea of learning! I pick up things and drop them frequently, of that I am guilty, but this carries with it a lasting feeling of fulfillment and the prospect of accomplishment as I delve into a world I had forgotten while carving out of myself a new hobby. I feel sorry for those who feel they are too old to learn new things, who are afraid of failure. Failure is a part of life, it is what it is and the only way to truly fail at life is to sit on your butt because you never want to fail.